Quality Cesspool

Septic Systems on Long Island Need to be Serviced how often?

It doesn’t matter if you have a new cesspool installed or if you have an old one that needs to be cleaned. Routine maintenance will ensure your cesspool continues to serve as a drain for generations. 

Cesspools, which act as underground drains, disperse liquid waste into the soil naturally. Clogs can occur in your cesspool, however, when the solid matter is introduced. By regularly pumping and using professional services to maintain your cesspool, you will ensure that your plumbing operates efficiently and without any issues. Prevent a cesspool problem from occurring by scheduling a cesspool pumping and service in advance.


Every cesspool will need to have its sand pumped at some point in time, no matter how old or in good condition it is.

There are a number of factors to consider in determining how often to schedule cesspool service, including how old your well is and how many people live in your home. It may be necessary to pump your cesspool more frequently if yours is much older. 

Every three to five years, cesspools need to be pumped and serviced. The cesspool may be clogged or backed up more than every two years, which indicates that you have a leak in your system. Additionally, the number of occupants of a residence will also determine how much water they consume and how often they require pump-outs.

It is a smart idea to periodically check your cesspool and plumbing system to check for leaks or other serious problems. Always make sure that your plumbing system is working properly by having a professional inspect it every few years!


Your cesspool can be maintained in good working order (other than regular pumping) in a number of ways. Follow these simple steps to keep your cesspool in good shape:


Household appliances should be checked regularly for leaks

Check for leaks in your plumbing regularly to prevent your cesspool from overflowing or collapsing. Small leaks in faucets, toilets, showers, and other household appliances can unnecessarily overload your cesspool.

Use Care When Putting Things Down Your Drains

The use of harmful chemicals or oils in your drains can shorten the lifespan of your cesspool since these materials have not been designed to handle them. There are many things that can cause clogs in your cesspool, including motor oil, cooking grease, feminine products, coffee grounds, and more. Your cesspool can run smoothly if you watch what goes into your drains!

Don’t Drive Over Your Cesspool

It is important to place your cesspool in an area you will not drive over in order to prevent it from collapsing. It is not recommended to store heavy items on top of your cesspool, as this may lead to structural problems.

You can rest assured that your cesspool and household plumbing will function properly for years to come if you follow these important tips and schedule a professional inspection once every three years with a Quality cesspool.

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